First Known Inhabitants

  There were three main tribes of Indians that we had known from the beginning. There was the Kansa Indians, Plains Indians, and American Indians. The Kansa tribe named the Kansas River and made the name Kansas of the state. The Plains Indians probably lived in a grassy area.(Great Plains) Other American Indians could have been anywhere in Kansas and maybe we just didn't know it.


  There was a lot going on when it comes to exploration but there is one important one. A European man named Francisco Vásquez de Coronado and his team were one of the first European explorers of the plains. They were there to find gold! Now that led him to Kansas. Zebulon M. Pike's expedition crossed Kansas in 1806.Stephen H. Long explored some of Kansas in 1819. In 1842, John C. Fremont through the northeastern of Kansas.


   Kansas has a big population now. What people were there before everyone came? Well be fore Kansas became a state there were Indian tribes everywhere. There was the Kansa Indians,Plains Indians,and American Indians. They all had settled in Kansas. 

Colonial and Territorial History

 Who owned and lived in Kansas throughout the years of life? Well, it started out with the French owning Kansas. Later on, they had lost it to Spain. That would mean Spanish and French explorers had once lived and once owned Kansas. They weren't the only ones,there were Indians too.